"When life gets heavy, let me help carry the load"
Dr Diane Harner
neurological conditions
Diseases of the brain, spinal cord and nerves which can result in a wide range of symptoms including paralysis, weakness, loss of sensation, confusion, poor co-ordination, pain, seizures and altered levels of consciousness. Neurological conditions can be casued by lifestyle, nutrition, genetics, injury, infection and environment.
health problems
Conditions that affect mood, thinking, and behaviour which impact functioning in daily life. Mental health problems can be temporary or long-lasting (chronic) and can be caused by a range of factors such as genetics, life experiences,
physiology, substance use and other medical conditions
Injuries to the brain and/or spinal cord often caused by an external force e,g, car accidents or falls which results in damage to these structures. The location of the injury determines the functional deficit that is experienced (e.g., loss of motor function, balance, coordination and impaired cognitive ability and loss of memory
What is the next step?
If you are new to counselling and you would like to understand more about the process and ask some questions, call me or send a message to request a call back.
If you would like to get started, book in for an Initial Consultation.
I look forward to meeting you.
Contact Me
Paddington, QLD 4064
admin@drdianeharner.com.au | Tel: 0416 241 445